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Socio-labour inclusion of vulnerable migrants in the construction sector
The Memorandum of Understanding between government and social partners in the construction industry
The Memorandum of Understanding between government and social partners in the construction industry
Purpose, target audience, commitments, implementation in the territories. Full text and presentation
On May 16, 2022, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy and the Minister of the Interior signed with the social partners of the construction industry (ANCE, FILLEA-CGIL, FILCA CISL, and FENEAL UIL) a
Memorandum of Understanding to Promote the Social and Labor Inclusion of Asylum seekers
, in the definition of which the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR and the National Association of Italian Municipalities Anci also collaborated. In October 2022, the other employer representations that are signatories to the Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Agreement (ANAEPA Confartigianato Edilizia; CNA Costruzioni; FIAE Casartigiani; CLAAI, LEGACOOP Produzione e Servizi; CONFCOOPERATIVE Lavoro e Servizi; AGCI Produzione e Lavoro; CONFAPI ANIEM) joined.
The protocol (
full text
) lasts for three years and aims to offer pathways to socio-labor integration to at least 3 thousand vulnerable migrants. They will consist of training interventions in more than 100 Building Schools/Unified Bodies coordinated throughout Italy by the joint body Formedil, complemented by experiences in companies associated with the signatory employers' unions, with the goal of subsequent job placement. This is the first example of implementation in Italy of the European Partnership for Integration between the European Commission, ETUC, Business Europe, SMEUnited, CEEP and Eurochambres, signed in 2017 and relaunched in 2020.
"The purpose of the memorandum of understanding is to promote the socio-occupational integration of applicants and holders of international protection and other foreign nationals in a vulnerable condition through the promotion of training paths and job opportunities in the construction sector."
Criteria for identifying beneficiaries
"Beneficiaries are identified among applicants and holders of international or temporary protection and other categories of foreign citizens in a condition of vulnerability with residence permits that allow work activity, such as holders of special protection, unaccompanied foreign minors in transition to adulthood or foreign citizens of age who entered Italy as unaccompanied foreign minors. Additional conditions of vulnerability may be assessed between the Parties to extend the pool of beneficiaries by mutual agreement.
Personal situations shall be screened with reference to the potential, characteristics and skills that are best suited to the interventions for social and labor insertion provided by this agreement, also ensuring equal opportunities between men and women."
"The General Directorate of Immigration and Integration Policies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies encourages the involvement of the signatory social partners and their joint bodies in its social and labor insertion interventions for vulnerable migrants, including by signaling opportunities for participation and facilitating contacts at the national and territorial level with implementing bodies, and experiments with new interventions in the construction sector, in collaboration with the signatory social partners, to be financed also with national and EU funds. It also promotes awareness of the initiatives launched under this Protocol among associations and entities working on behalf of immigrants registered in the Register referred to in Article 42 of the Consolidated Act on Immigration and other stakeholders, including through the Migrant Integration Portal."
"In order to facilitate the identification of beneficiaries and their involvement in the initiatives promoted under this Protocol, the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration of the Ministry of the Interior promotes awareness of the initiatives in reception centers and the SAI Reception and Integration System and fosters contacts at the national and territorial level, including through the Central Service and the Territorial Councils for Immigration of the Prefectures, of the signatory social partners, through the territorial Associations and their joint bodies, with the Local Authorities of the SAI and with the managing bodies of the reception centers."
"The signatory social partners, also through the territorial associations and the bilateral sector system, offer dedicated training paths and other active labor policy measures to beneficiaries and promote experiences in member companies for the same, with the aim of subsequent job placement. They also inform their members, regarding the initiatives launched under this Protocol and make them aware of the value of labor inclusion of beneficiaries and the opportunities related to it."
Implementation in the territories
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Social Partners have established a national working group, in which Unhcr, Anci, and Formedil, the national joint body for training, safety, and labor services in the construction sector, also participate. The group promotes the creation of territorial tables for the implementation of the protocol, identifies solutions to any critical issues, and monitors and evaluates the development and outcomes of the initiatives.
The territorial tables are activated and coordinated by the Prefectures in the provinces of competence and bring together referents of the reception network (Extra-Ordinary Reception Centers and Reception and Integration System), local representatives of the social partners and Building Schools/Unified Bodies of Formedil that will activate the training paths in collaboration with the companies that will host the internship or work experience. Each territorial table, within the perimeter of the protocol, will design the socio-work integration paths most appropriate to the characteristics and needs of the recipients and the local productive framework.
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Protocollo d’intesa per l'inserimento di migranti vulnerabili in edilizia (Presentazione)
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