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10 June 2021

Sustainable Development Goals and Migration: the Italian Case

Released by FOCSIV with GCAP Italy and Concord Italy, focuses on social, economic and political inclusion

Today FOCSIV with GCAP Italy and Concord Italy releases the report Migration and Sustainable Development, that analyzes the achievement of the objectives of sustainable development, in particular social, economic and political inclusion, with particular reference to migration.

In addition to the internal dimension, space is given to the external dimension of cooperation relations with countries of origin and transit for the governance of migration and sustainable development. Particular attention is given to the need to build better coherence between the internal and external dimensions (the so called Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development) on the basis of human rights and the principle of leaving no one behind.

The report offers data and policy analysis, from which a series of recommendations emerge. Here we indicate the main ones:

– Sign the Global Compact on Migration and have a plan for policy coherence based on respect for human rights.

– Invest in the reception system and integration from a universalist perspective.

– Program safe and orderly channels for migration, from those for work reasons to those for asylum seekers, in a vision of sustainable recovery based on human rights, youth and women.

– To proceed quickly in the discussion of the popular initiative bill of the campaign “I was a foreigner”, and the proposal for the citizenship of new generations.

– Rediscuss the Agreement with Libya and the New Pact on Migration and Asylum to overcome the short term approach based on the control and externalization of borders.

Invest in international cooperation for sustainable development to enhance migration and diasporas. In particular, it is a question of reaching an investment equal to 0.7% of gross national income as provided for in objective 17.2 of sustainable development, without diverting it for migration control purposes.