HomeExplore tagsCaporalatoPublished the final document of the Italian parliamentary investigation on exploitation of migrant workers in agriculture

07 June 2021

Published the final document of the Italian parliamentary investigation on exploitation of migrant workers in agriculture

The repressive system is adequate, but there are still many critical issues on the prevention front

On 19 December 2018, Italy’s Chamber of Deputies' Joint Committees XI (Labour) and XIII (Agriculture) began an investigation of the so-called ‘caporalato’ phenomenon, a form of illegal intermediation and exploitation of migrant workers in the agricultural sector, constituting up to one fourth of the total agricultural workforce. This system exploits migrant workers, violates minimum wage requirements and imposes inhumane working conditions.
The main objectives of the investigation was:
- Analysing the caporalato phenomenon
- Identifying new legal and administrative measures to counter the phenomenon
- Assessing the enforcement of Law No. 199 of 2016 and its implementing rules
- Realising site inspections in rural areas where the caporalato system is prevalent

On 12 May 2021 Italy’s Chamber of Deputies published the final conclusions. According the Parliamentary committees the regulatory interventions adopted in recent years, aimed at giving a change to the activity to combat the phenomenon of illegal hiring in the agricultural sector are working, but it is necessary to identify new tools to eradicate a phenomenon that now appears well rooted in all parts of Italy.
In the opinion of the commissioners, it is essential to envisage rules and procedures aimed not only at encouraging and rewarding the denunciation of exploiters by the victims of the crime of illegal hiring, but also organizing advanced social services capable of assisting the workers concerned.

Read the Final document

(June, 07 2021)