HomeSearch NewsEASO Strategy on Reception

16 April 2021

EASO Strategy on Reception

The document responds to the growing demand from EU countries for EASO’s operational and technical support on the reception of asylum seekers.


On 18 March 2021, the Management Board of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) adopted the EASO Strategy on ReceptionPrepared through extensive consultation with EU+ countries, the European Commission and UNHCR, the Reception Strategy lays the ground for EASO to further increase its capacity and expertise to respond to EU+ countries’ needs in the field of reception, through permanent technical support, training and operational interventions in EU+ countries and third countries along the migratory route facing disproportionate pressures on their reception systems. 

Recognising the negative impact of inadequate reception conditions on the human dignity and fundamental rights of asylum seekers directly, and on the integrity of the Common European Asylum System in general, the strategy foresees meaningful EASO support to EU+ countries in enhancing their reception systems and increasing reception capacity where needed, in line with EU and EASO standards. 

EASO’s Reception Standards and Indicators have been jointly developed by EU+ countries. These Standards and Indicators build upon, and further elaborate, key elements of the recast Reception Conditions Directive and represent a commonly agreed EU-level reference for the design, development and operation of reception centres, in line with European values of human dignity.   

The EASO reception standards, covering topics such as infrastructure, sanitation, food provision, information provision, counselling and the training of staff, are at the core of the Agency’s technical and operational support on reception in Cyprus, Italy, Greece, Malta and, since January 2021, in Spain. 

In Italy EASO has been providing support to the Italian authorities in the field of reception since 2013. In the course of these seven years, EASO’s technical and operational assistance to Italy has been focusing on the following areas of support: support for building of national reception monitoring systems and their subsequent implementation, strengthening reception capacity especially with regards to UAMs.

Leggi Easo Strategy on Reception