The P.I.U. - SUPREME Project (Individualized Exit Paths from Exploitation) is co-financed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, DG Immigration and Integration Policies and by the European Union, NOP Inclusion, European Social Fund 2014-2020, to supplement and complement the SU.PR.EME. - Italia Program in areas with a greater presence of seasonal workers in the agricultural industry and in urban areas in the five regions of Southern Italy involved in the program. The partnership includes Apulia Region, as Lead partner, together with Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Sicily, and NOVA Consortium for social innovation. The project, which started in October 2019 and has a duration of two years, is part of the Italy’s three-year plan to combat labour exploitation and illegal hiring in agriculture promoted by DG Immigration of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.
P.I.U. - SUPREME. aims to implement an interregional systemic action to complete and strengthen existing initiatives in the field of prevention, identification and contrast to labour exploitation and irregular work.
How it works
1. Networking and multi-stakeholder approach to improve the skills of the network of public and private actors involved;
2. single coordination and single point of access to services to ensure performances acceptable to third country citizens’ cultural contexts;
3. multidisciplinary interventions to respond effectively to the complexity of the beneficiaries' needs;
4. personalized and flexible action plans to design, with each single beneficiary, the program that best suits his or her needs.
Activation of a local ecosystem to support the management of complex programs, capable of responding to the beneficiaries’ welfare, health, and housing needs in a personalized way.
Facilitation and support in accessing services by strengthening the network of information, counselling, and beneficiary management desks and the implementation of community and outreaching interventions where the beneficiaries live and work.
Support with housing, through the creation of a “social” estate agency, piloting of shared housing solutions and granting of subsidies for rents.
Management of information/training activities, internships, and support of beneficiaries with employment services.
Social microcredit pilot action to support beneficiaries by promoting social and financial inclusion programs.
A helpdesk made up of a toll-free number, an app, and an integrated multilingual portal closely connected with the other actions of the project, in order to access on-demand services.
Drafting of individual action plans to help beneficiaries emerge from illicit work, integrate into the legal workforce and help them become independent, based on their multiple and varied needs. Fostering their actives search for jobs. Implementation of effective tools to match labour supply and demand.
Launch of new, sustainable, ethical, and quality businesses through counselling and financial support to start-ups.
Individual tools System:
- Training programmes
- Services and financial support for housing
- Tools to access active labour market policies
- Financial support to launch new businesses
Expected results
- 3000 third-country nationals involved in career information and guidance actions
- 1500 third-country nationals involved in social and work integration programs
- Local action plans and networks for the prevention and contrast of illegal hiring
- Over 50 new businesses
- ethical branding
- better working conditions
- greater opportunities to match labour supply and demand
- social poles for counselling on how to access local services
- decent and adequate housing solutions
- development of innovative, effective, and sustainable governance models, through capacity building initiatives and public-private partnerships.