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National Report on the main foreign communities in Italy

Data as of January 1, 2019

For nearly a decade, the Direzione Generale dell’immigrazione e delle politiche di integrazione (general immigration and integration policies directorate) has aimed to provide a detailed and balanced account of the complex phenomenon of the presence of foreigners in Italy and to do so by setting forth the various distinct aspects of the question while analysing the characteristics noted and also anticipating today’s trends. The directorate does so by means of its Rapporto nazionale sui migranti nel Mercato del lavoro italiano (national reports on migrants in the Italian labour market) (ninth edition), the Rapporti nazionali sulla presenza in Italia delle principali Comunità straniere (national reports on the main foreign communities in Italy) (eighth edition) and the Rapporti sulla presenza dei migranti non comunitari nelle 14 città metropolitane italiane (reports on the presence of non-EU migrants in the 14 metropolitan cities of Italy) (fourth edition).

The series of national reports on the presence of the main foreign communities aims to investigate and study in depth the presence on Italian soil of the more numerically significant non-EU nationals: Moroccans, Albanians, the Chinese, Ukrainians, Indians, Filipinos, Bangladeshis, Egyptians, Pakistanis, Moldovans, Nigerians, the Senegalese, Sri Lankans, Tunisians, Peruvians and Ecuadorians.

For each grouping, the main features from the socio-demographic and employment angles are considered, alongside presence of minors and their education, occupational integration, welfare policies and processes of integration. Each report starts with comparison among the various communities.

Again, this year we duly acknowledge the contributions of institutions and bodies that have provided information in their possession. These entities include the Italian National Institute of Statistics; the general statistical and actuarial coordination body of INPS (National Social Security Institute); the Ministry of Education, University and Research; the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture; the international political studies organisation, CeSPI; the trade unions CGIL, CISL, UIL and UGL; and the Divisione Studi e Ricerca (study and research division) of ANPAL Servizi. We are also most grateful to dottor Daniele Frigeri, the Director of the Osservatorio Nazionale sull’Inclusione Finanziaria dei Migranti (national observatory on financial inclusion of migrants) who drew up the focus reports on remittances and access to credit.

The full series of Rapporti Comunità (community reports), editions 2012 - 2019, can be accessed − in Italian and in the main foreign languages on, and

Within the ambit of the project, Supporto nelle politiche per l’immigrazione e di cooperazione bilaterale con i Paesi di origine (support for immigration and bilateral cooperation with countries of origin) ANPAL Servizi has drawn up and translated the 2019 edition of its Rapporti nazionali sulle principali Comunità straniere (national reports on the main foreign communities) − analytic reports provided in summary form.