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CoNNGI - National Coordination of the New Italian Generations
CoNNGI - National Coordination of the New Italian Generations
CoNNGI - Coordinamento Nazionale Nuove Generazioni Italiane [National Coordination of the New Italian Generations]
(www.conngi.it) – was established in 2017 as an association aimed at social promotion. It was launched within the scope of activities carried out by the Directorate General for Immigration and Integration Policies (Ministry of Labour and Social Policies) with the aim to represent young people with a migrant background, both at national and international level.
CoNNGI is composed of
40 associations established by young people with a migrant background from all over Italy
, involving up to 5,000 people, who represent a “bridge” between our Country and 40 countries across the world.
In 2022, the network of associations that adhere to CoNNGI launched the new edition of its
Manifesto of the New Italian Generations
, through which it intends to contribute to the definition of policies aimed at guaranteeing greater opportunities for inclusion and enhancement of the identity plurality and skills of young people with a migration background. The Manifesto of the New Italian Generations 2022 is divided into seven areas: school; Work; culture, sport and participation; citizenship and political representation; communication and media; international cooperation and environment, health and equality.
The opportunity for the new generations to confront politics, national and local institutions and civil society on the themes of the Manifesto is offered by the seminar "Protagonisti! Le nuove generazioni si raccontano”, an event promoted by CoNNGI every year in a different city with a different theme. The inaugural edition was held in 2017 in Reggio Emilia and then Padua (2018, communication), Genoa (2019, school), online in the year of the pandemic (2020, citizenship and participation), Turin (2021, sport) and Salerno (2022, culture). The last two editions saw the participation of the then Minister of Labor and Social Policies Andrea Orlando.
How to join the ConNNGI?
All the Associations - whose aims are to enhance the role of young people with a migration background in society - can join the National Coordination of New Italian Generations. To join, you must send an application accompanied by the Association's Articles of Association to the CoNNGI email address: info@conngi.it.
The CoNNGI Board of Directors, having received the candidacy, submits it to the General Assembly in the first useful meeting. The Assembly votes by an absolute majority of the members regarding the adhesion of the new Associations.
Contacts: info@conngi.it
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