On 19 December 2018, the XI Labour Committee and the XIII Agriculture Committee of the Chamber of Deputies jointly resolved to conduct a cognitive investigation on the so-called "Caporalato" in the agricultural sector, which should be concluded within the end of June 2019.
Within the scope of the cognitive investigation, a series of hearings have been envisaged with the representatives of the Ministries of competence (Economic Development, Labour, Agricultural Policies); with labour organisations operating in the sector (Flai-Cgil, Fai-Cisl, Uila-Uil, Ugl Agroalimentare, Confsal-Fna); with organisations representing agricultural enterprises such as Agrinsieme (Confagricoltura, Cia, Copagri, Alleanza delle cooperative italiane), Coldiretti and Ue Coop; with Inps, Inail and Agea; with Milan Center for food law and politics; with Placido Rizzotto Observatory; with the non-institutional subjects mostly involved in countering the phenomenon (Terra! Onlus, di Libera, Oxfam Italia, Goel Gruppo Cooperativo, SOS Rosarno, Associazione No Cap); with the prefects of Reggio Calabria, Foggia and Macerata; with experts in the matter.
The aims of the investigation are as follows:
1) to verify the magnitude and seriousness of the exploitation of underpaid workers in the agricultural sector carried out by intermediaries of illegal labour (the so-called gang masters);
2) to identify further and possible legislative and administrative instruments that can be implemented in order to counter the phenomenon more effectively;
3) to verify the level of implementation of Law No. 199/2016 and the relevant results achieved in countering undeclared labour and exploitation in the agricultural sector, as well as the level of implementation of the Government's specific policies approved by the Chamber of Deputies during the previous legislation;
4) to conduct inspections - carried out by the Committees' Delegations - in the Italian agricultural areas where the gangmaster system is more widespread.