HomeExplore tagsLabor exploitationNational Guidelines on identification, protection and assistance to victims of labour exploitation in agriculture

14 October 2021

National Guidelines on identification, protection and assistance to victims of labour exploitation in agriculture

Agreement in Unified Conference

On 7 October, the Unified Conference sanctioned the agreement for the adoption of the new "National guidelines on the identification, protection and assistance of victims of labor exploitation in agriculture", drawn up as part of the Three-year plan to combat labor exploitation in agriculture and illegal hiring (2020 - 2022).

The Guidelines are based on the legality and dignity of work, the promotion and protection of human rights to be implemented through assistance and protection of victims, and the consolidation of cooperation between all public actors and civil society involved in the fight against the phenomenon of caporalato and labour exploitation in agriculture. The way to achieve lasting results is to systemise the various public policies capable of having a positive impact - directly or indirectly - on the prevention, support, integration and accompaniment of quality work for EU citizens (including Italian citizens) and third-country nationals who are victims or potential victims of labour exploitation throughout the country.

The Guidelines are addressed to all those who, in various capacities and according to their respective competences, are involved in the protection and assistance to victims of labour exploitation in agriculture or potential victims

The State, Regions, Autonomous Provinces and Local Bodies, in the areas of their competence, have to implement them within six months.