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22 June 2021

Update of the mapping of migrant associations in Italy

A dynamic reality strongly rooted in the territories

The Associations constituted by migrant citizens are a lively reality and an important means of participation and intercultural dialogue that offers the territory energies and skills and produces social capital. Moreover, the involvement of migrant citizens in decision-making processes, also consistently with the European Commission's New Action Plan for Integration and Inclusion, not only contributes to their empowerment, but can also favor the elaboration of more effective integration policies that respond to people's real needs.

For this reason, the mapping of migrant associations on the national territory represents a very useful tool for the benefit of both institutions and associations themselves.

The mapping of migrant associations has been present on the Migrant Integration Portal since 2014 and was created by the IDOS Study and Research Centre, within the IN.CO.NT.RO initiative, promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies - Directorate General for Immigration and Integration Policies and co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals. Subsequent updates were made in 2016 and 2018.

On the occasion of the launch of the new Integrazione Migranti’s website, we’re publishing a new updating of the mapping. The mapping is the result of several phases of work and of the valuable collaboration, in addition to the associations themselves, of the Regions that have shared their information assets.

There are currently 1135 associations registered. Any migrant association, interested in being included in the mapping, can at any time sign in by entering their data through this link, also using a QR CODE.


Alternatively, it is possible to indicate an association by emailing to redazioneintegrazione@lavoro.gov.it and indicating a telephone number at which it can be contacted.
Associations that have already been registered and wish to be removed from the list, or to correct the information related to their organization, can send a request at any time by emailing to redazioneintegrazione@lavoro.gov.it.

The Migrant associations' Database