Regulations and law
Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali
Ministero dell'interno
Ministero dell'istruzione
Work and live in Italy
Search Regulations and law
Working in Italy
Recruitment of foreign workers already resident in Italy
Recruitment of foreign workers already resident in Italy
In order to work in Italy non-EU citizens must possess a residence permit for employment. Foreign citizens who have a residence permit for: medical care, tourism, religious grounds, business; legal purposes may not work in Italy.
Employers who wish to recruit foreign workers residing legally in Italy must send the local Job Centre (Centro per l'Impiego) within 24 hours of the day prior to the recruitment the "UNILAV" Form for Mandatory Employment Notification.
By sending this form, to be carried out exclusively by telematic means, the employer simultaneously fulfils all the notification obligations: to the National Social Security Institute (INPS), to the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (INAIL), and other forms of social security, whether substitutive or exclusive, as well as to the Prefecture.
In fact, the form also contains the commitments which the employer is obliged to undertake in accordance with the Consolidated Immigration Act, namely, payment of expenses for a foreigner's possible return to his/her homeland in the event of obligatory repatriation and indication of the foreigner's accommodation.
Also in the case of a domestic employment relationship, the notification sent to INPS is now valid for the purposes of fulfilling the above obligations.
For issuing/renewal of residence permits for employment, foreigners must produce together with their application, a copy of the UNILAV. During this step, the foreign citizen, in possession of the postal receipt certifying their request of renewal, may continue to work.
For further information and for the relevant forms go to the notification obligation service on
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