Standard and specific criteria for entry flows


The three-year flows decree 2023-25 introduces standard criteria for defining entry flows (Art. 2) as well as specific criteria for entry flows within quotas (Art. 3) and outside quotas (Art. 4).

The standard criteria are:

a) progressive reduction of the gap between flows and labour market needs (as measured by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies), consistent with the capacity of reception and integration in local communities

b) extension of the economic sectors covered by entry flows

c) enhancement of training tools in the countries of origin to promote the entry of trained foreign workers

d) encouragement of forms of collaboration (also through understandings and agreements) with the countries "of origin and transit" of migratory flows to "facilitate regular migration and counteract irregular migration.”

e) encouraging the entry of workers with high professional qualifications

f) supporting the entry of stateless persons and refugees recognised by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or by the competent authorities in countries of first asylum or transit.

Additional and specific criteria for entry within the quotas are:

a) Provision of preferential quotas reserved for workers from States which promote (according to agreements with Italy) media campaigns on the risks to personal safety inherent in irregular migratory traffic

b) allocation of agricultural workers, with priority over new applicants, to employers who have not been allocated all or part of the workforce requested under the previous flows decree

c) Determine a specific quota for family and socio-healthcare workers.

Other additional criteria, specific for entries outside the quotas, are:

(a) "favouring in the three-year period 2023-2025 the increase of entries outside the quotas."

b) the provision of entries for employment (including seasonal) for citizens of countries with which Italy has signed agreements or understandings on repatriation.

c) the enhancement of vocational and civic-linguistic education and training activities organised in the countries of origin and "consequent" increase in the number of entries of foreign workers recognised as stateless refugees who have followed these activities

d) the enhancement of the study and training courses of foreign citizens in Italy, also through the conversion into residence permits for work reasons outside the quotas of permits issued for study and training reasons.